Moral Agent & Subject of Moral Worth A moral agent is capable of acting with reference to right and wrong, and has the power to intentionally cause harm to another. A moral subject is anything that can be harmed. View
Moral Equilibrium When we do something good we get to thinking of ourselves as pretty good people, and can then give ourselves license to fail to live up to our own ethical standards. This phenomenon is known as moral equilibrium. View
Self-serving Bias The self-serving bias causes us to see things in ways that support our best interests and our pre-existing points of view. View
Overconfidence Bias The overconfidence bias is our tendency to be more confident in our ability to act ethically than is objectively justified by our abilities and moral character. View
Role Morality Role morality is the tendency we have to use different moral standards for the different roles we play in society. View
Fundamental Moral Unit When making ethical decisions, the one consideration that a theory favors over all other considerations is called the Fundamental Moral Unit. View