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Daraprim Price Hike

Daraprim Price Hike

While many were outraged when the price of Daraprim rose from $13.50 per tablet to $750, Turing Pharmaceuticals CEO Martin Skreli saw himself as a Robin Hood.


Countrywide’s Subprime Scandal

Countrywide’s Subprime Scandal

Countrywide Financial was one of the largest mortgage lenders in the United States, but CEO Angelo Mozilo did not heed his own warnings in the lead-up to the 2007 financial crisis.


Baylor’s Silence on Sexual Assault

Baylor’s Silence on Sexual Assault

While the Baylor University football team was winning on the field, university officials failed to take action when allegations of sexual assault by student athletes emerged.


Armstrong’s Doping Downfall

Armstrong’s Doping Downfall

Cyclist Lance Armstrong thought his use of performance-enhancing drugs was a way to level the playing field in a sport with pervasive doping.


Academic Fraud at UNC

Academic Fraud at UNC

UNC Chapel Hill enrolled student athletes with poor academic performance in fake classes so they would remain eligible to play. The classes soon enabled widespread academic fraud.


Compounding Illness

Compounding Illness

The New England Compounding Center, a compounding pharmacy, knowingly produced and shipped contaminated drugs, leading to a deadly outbreak of meningitis.


Collapse at Rana Plaza

Collapse at Rana Plaza

The deadly collapse of a garment factory building in Bangladesh stirs debate over worker safety in the effort to drive down prices for international manufacturers and consumers.


Appropriation & Attribution

Appropriation & Attribution

Attribution is giving credit where credit is due. Appropriation is the complex borrowing of ideas, images, symbols, sounds, and identity from others.




Media representations of individuals or groups can hurt by reflecting stereotypes and mistaken beliefs or can help by being truthful and inclusive.
