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Ethical AI: Moral Judgments Swamped by Competitive Forces

Ethical AI: Moral Judgments Swamped by Competitive Forces

Many of us have watched enough movies on the topic–“2001: A Space Odyssey,” “War Games,” “Terminator,” “Blade Runner,” “Ex Machina,” “The Matrix,” and the like– to be viscerally concerned about today’s rapid-fire development of artificial intelligence (AI). And this concern is not unwarranted, for many of the most-knowledgeable experts are themselves very apprehensive. In March […]


Techno-Optimist or AI Doomer? Consequentialism and the Ethics of AI

Techno-Optimist or AI Doomer? Consequentialism and the Ethics of AI

As our glossary video on the term indicates, “[u]tilitarianism is an ethical theory that determines right from wrong by focusing on outcomes. It is a form of consequentialism.” A famous limitation of any form of consequentialism, as the video also indicates, is this: “because we cannot predict the future, it’s difficult to know with certainty […]


AI Ethics: “Just the Facts, Ma’am”

AI Ethics: “Just the Facts, Ma’am”

In 2024, top language algorithms could “read” 2.6 billion words in just a couple of hours. This gives them a fighting chance of keeping up with the innumerable books and articles being written about the ethical implications of various aspects and impacts of artificial intelligence (AI). In 2025, we here at Ethics Unwrapped intend to […]


Judging the Seven Deadly Sins

Judging the Seven Deadly Sins

Consonant with the Fundamental Attribution Error, people tend to believe that other people’s actions are manifestations of their moral character. If someone drives past us on the highway at a rapid rate of speed, we tend to quickly conclude that the driver is a reckless jerk. Of course, we are good people and when we […]


Framed: An Analysis of Wrongful Convictions

Framed: An Analysis of Wrongful Convictions

We have enjoyed our collaboration with the good folks at the Illinois Innocence Project to create our video “Implicit Bias & Wrongful Conviction”. Their admirable work and the poor moral decision making on display in many wrongful conviction cases has caught our attention before in this blog (Ex: ‘He looks like a criminal to me’: […]


A Geologic Ethics Lesson to Take to the Polls

A Geologic Ethics Lesson to Take to the Polls

According to psychology professor Keith Payne in his new book Good Reasonable People: The Psychology behind America’s Dangerous Divide, during the Cretaceous Period’s 80-million-year run, microscopic plankton called coccoliths floated in the ocean by the trillions. As they died and settled, their calcium shells slowly added huge layers of chalk to the ocean floor. As […]


Swindling the Poor in Mississippi

Swindling the Poor in Mississippi

We at Ethics Unwrapped often say that most white-collar criminals don’t begin by getting up one morning and saying to themselves: “Today’s the day I start my life of crime.” But some do. Witness the Mississippi welfare scandal chronicled in the new book Mississippi Swindle: Brett Favre and the Welfare Scandal that Shocked America by […]


A Good Man’s Fall

A Good Man’s Fall

“The history of this country, and the history of the world, I’m afraid, is full of examples of good men who do bad things.” –Judge Jed Rakoff (2012)   Raj Rajaratnam is America’s most notorious inside trader. In 2011, the billionaire owner of the Galleon hedge fund was sentenced to 11 years in jail—at that […]


Ethics, Energy, and the Climate of Contempt

Ethics, Energy, and the Climate of Contempt

Ethics Unwrapped collaborating adviser David Spence—a professor at both the University of Texas School of Law and UT’s McCombs School of Business–has just published an excellent book titled Climate of Contempt: How to Rescue the U.S. Energy Transition from Voter Partisanship (2024), which addresses one of the most important policy challenges we face. Spence takes […]


“Fat Leonard”: The U.S. Navy’s Moral Disaster

“Fat Leonard”: The U.S. Navy’s Moral Disaster

We just started reading philosophy professor Ryan Holiday’s Right Thing, Right Now: Good Values. Good Character. Good Deeds (2024). Professor Holiday often examines the lives of historical figures—from the ancient Greek philosophers like Plato to modern figures like Martin Luther King and Harvey Milk— in order to draw both inspirational and cautionary moral tales from […]
