Lessons for today from the Holocaust Guest blogger Nick Lennon is the Director of the Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Office at George Mason University in Virginia, just outside of Washington D.C. His primary professional interests, and area of teaching, are ethics and leadership. In May he took a group of undergraduate and graduate students to Germany, Poland and the Czech […] Ver
A Brief Guide to Behavioral Legal Ethics Guest blogger Tigran Eldred is an Associate Professor of Law at the New England School of Law in Boston. He has a distinguished background as a public defender and civil rights lawyer before he joined academia. However, our particular interest in his contribution relates to his interest in behavioral ethics as it applies to the […] Ver
You’ve Been Rated Zach Boven, author of this post, is a recent graduate of the Business Honors Program at the McCombs School of Business. He wrote this blog post as part of an assignment for a business law and business ethics class. It was the best of a good lot. A female friend of mine at Washington State […] Ver