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Football Players Behaving Badly: The Ethics of Hazing at Northwestern University

Football Players Behaving Badly: The Ethics of Hazing at Northwestern University

Northwestern University’s athletics department finds itself in the big middle of a number of scandals breaking nearly simultaneously. Not a good look for perhaps the brainiest university of the fourteen (soon to be sixteen and perhaps more) schools in the Big 10. There are scandals everywhere one looks–in baseball, softball, volleyball, and even cheerleading–but we […]


Lessons from Paul Woodruff’s «Living Toward Virtue»

Lessons from Paul Woodruff’s «Living Toward Virtue»

As he recently indicated in a column in the Washington Post, Paul Woodruff–our friend, colleague, and University of Texas emeritus professor of philosophy and classics–is nearing death after a long and fruitful life. As he also indicated, he plans to spend every day he has left sharing his considerable wisdom. His recent book Living Toward […]
